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GROFFER(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Display groff files and man pages on X and tty.

10 February 2018
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groffer(1) referred by chem(1) | glilypond(1) | gperl(1) | gpinyin(1) | groff(1) | groff_trace(7) | grog(1) | roff(7) | roff2dvi(1) | roff2html(1) | roff2pdf(1) | roff2ps(1) | roff2text(1) | roff2x(1)
refer to apropos(1) | bzip2(1) | cat(1) | epiphany(1) | evince(1) | firefox(1) | getopt(1) | getopts(1posix) | groff(1) | groff(7) | groff_char(7) | groff_out(5) | groff_tmac(5) | grog(1) | gs(1) | gv(1) | gxditview(1) | gzip(1) | konqueror(1) | less(1)
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