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SYSLOGD(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Log systems messages.

June 6, 1993
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syslogd(8) referred by abort2(2freebsd) | amd.conf(5) | ample.conf(5) | anacron(8) | anvil(8postfix) | ap-trapd(8) | apm(4freebsd) | apmd(8) | atmsigd.conf(4) | avmcapictrl(8) | bounce(8postfix) | cannaserver(1) | ccze(1) | cleanup(8postfix) | cpufreqd(8) | cron(8) | discard(8postfix) | dmesg(1) | dnsblog(8postfix) | doveadm-log(1)
refer to logger(1) | services(5) | syslog(3) | syslog.conf(5)
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