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GPG(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

OpenPGP encryption and signing tool.

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gpg(1) referred by add-apt-key(8) | agent-transfer(1) | amaespipe(8) | amcrypt(8) | amcryptsimple(8) | amgpgcrypt(8) | apt-key(8) | apt-secure(8) | aptly(1) | bootmail(8) | caff(1) | claws-mail-pgpinline(1) | claws-mail-pgpmime(1) | cpm(1) | darcs(1) | dcut(1) | debdelta(1) | debdelta-upgrade(1) | debdeltas(1) | debpatch(1)
refer to gpg-agent(1) | gpgsm(1) | gpgv(1)
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