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DATE(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Print or set the system date and time.

January 2018
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date(1) referred by adjtime(2freebsd) | adjtimex(8) | annotate-output(1) | autoproject(1) | blame(1) | ccal(1) | clock_getres(2) | clock_getres(2freebsd) | clock_gettime(2freebsd) | clock_settime(2freebsd) | co(1) | crm(8) | cronolog(1m) | cronosplit(1m) | ctime(3) | Date::Manip::Date(3pm) | Date::Manip::DM5(3pm) | Date::Manip::DM6(3pm) | datefudge(1) | datetime(3bobcat)
refer to tzselect(1)
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